Welcome, this is Agatòs Syntagma, an Italian company working on national and international areas, specializing in:

Corporate Intelligence
Strategic Intelligence; Competitive Intelligence; Corporate Warfare; Operational Intelligence; Business Intelligence; Trend/Areas/Local Intelligence; Intelligence Management, Tactical Training & more

Corporate Security
Risk Prevention & Management; Antifraud; Financial & Economic Security; Company Assets Protection; Command & Control Managerial Systems; Security Assessment; Cyber Security & more

Management Consulting
Strategic Management; Scenario & Contexts; Competitive and Business Development Strategies

We daily work with the aim of helping customers take the best decisions and achieve important and ethical goals.



In 1855, our organization has started “to build” our system of the Command and Control, that for more than a century, still today, continues to be the soul of Agatòs Syntagma’s operations and strategies


The choice of the name was inspired by the Greek terms whose meaning good (agatòs) and group (syntagma): “a group with good results”. And good results are obtained only if appreciated by markets and by customers, a value at the basis of our ethics


We work in Italy and abroad, for different companies (often listed on the stock exchange), in the main economic areas. With a Corporate Warfare Defense view


Our business is management consulting focused on Security (including Cyber Defense) and Intelligence, with a parallel asset (listed on the Milan Stock Exchange) specialized in Renewable Energy that covers every segment of the green market (photovoltaic, wind, biomass and energy efficiency


We have been dealing with strategic management consulting since 1990 and command, control, intelligence and security for more than 160 years. Our method is implemented through the synchronization and net-centric asymmetry matrices with the support of our systems ‘C4i’ and ‘NOSCO visual’, completely developed by Agatòs Syntagma


Security • Anti-fraud and Busienss Integrity • Corporate, Competitive, Business & Economic Intelligence • Cyber Defense • Reputational defense • Info-Investigation • Organization and operational models • Crisis management • SecRisk management • Lobby • Green Energy • Travel Risk Management and much more…


  • Corporate Assessment and Compliance Framework
  • Areas analysis (economic and territorial)
  • Criticality and Crisis Analysis and Management
  • End-state analysis and management
  • Cyber Defense (with unconventional and powerful systems)
  • Organization / Processes / HR
  • Corporate Legal & CRO
  • Security Knowledge
  • Global Mission Protection and Travel Risk Management
  • Investigation ex TULPS
  • Business Continuity Management from a Security and Cyber perspective
  • Information Security
  • Green & Renewable Energy
  • Competitive & Corporate Intelligence for Corporate Warfare Defense
  • Industrial, economic, financial, banking and insurance anti-fraud
  • Brand & Defence Reputation

This is only 49% of what we do and of our world.

Find the remaining 51% and to know more about our services of Protection of Company Assets


To see the Unknown 1

How many situations do you know that are similar to Bosch's Ship of Fools? This painting by the famous Flemish painter represents the true essence...

Assoconsult Members General Assembly

On June 13th and 14th we participated in the ASSOCONSULT Confidustria events as an Associate company. On the afternoon of the 13th, the General...

The Color of the Unknown

What is the color of the unknown? Black or white? Many identify the unknown with the color black, associating it with a range of concepts and...

Economic Intelligence – To Never Die

When is it necessary to innovate? When is it time for a company to change? And when, instead, to invest? Crucial questions – some would say...

To communicate the unknown

Where is the company's reputational asset? According to Marco De Masi (Ammagamma), «the heritage of stories that every company owns, and which can...

To glimpse and achieve the unknown 1

How many situations do you know that are similar to Bosch's Ship of Fools? In this painting (by the famous...

Agatòs Syntagma is Partner of the Master in Economic Intelligence of CeSIntES (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

25.03.2024 Also this year we are a partner company of the II Level #Master in #IntelligenceEconomica (Economic Intelligence) of Cesintes Tor Vergata...

The adaptation to the Unknown

Adaptation is – first of all – a necessity, then a quality. In a rapidly evolving world, Short Term Leadership is becoming ineffective, lacking...

Offenses not known

The competitiveness of our "country system" is slowed down - also - by a convoluted regulatory fabric, which creates development difficulties and...

Agatòs Syntagma, Assolombarda Servizi e Cineas

21.11.2023 We are part of the 2024 training project of Assolombarda Servizi (Assolombarda) with a course focused on Corporate Warfare. On the...

The Space & the Unknown

Novembre 7, 2023 An epochal change is underway: private companies are also aiming for the universe, making it a new attractive sector for...

Distribution of Pamphlet 202 has begun

October 11th 2023. Here we are!! The public distribution of the Pamphlet2023 ("L'Ignoto") begins, which in recent weeks was delivered as a preview...

The 2023 Pamphlet is under development

July, 3rd, 2023 The creation of the new edition of our Pamphlet 2023 is underway. With the eighth number we will delve into a complex theme full of...

Agatòs Syntagma is Partner of the Master in Economic Intelligence of CeSIntES (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

14.03.2023 Also this year we are a partner company of the II Level #Master in #IntelligenceEconomica (Economic Intelligence) of Cesintes Tor Vergata...

On Cineas (PoliMi), our interview about “Corporate Warfare”

16/02/2023 What is "Corporate Warfare"? it can be defined as the set of licit, illicit, moral and immoral practices that companies implement to...

Agatòs Syntagma and CY4GATE 2021

On May 28, 2021 Agatòs Syntagma® 1855 participated as business partner at CY4GATE Business Partner Day in Elettronica Group Head Quarter, together...

Agatòs Energia and ENEL X

Agatos Energia, the parent company of Agatos Spa, specializing in the design, construction and turnkey supply of photovoltaic systems, has won the...

Agatòs Energia. listed on the AIM of the Milan Stock Exchange

Agatòs Syntagma announces that Agatos Srl, parent company of Agatos Energia srl, following the merger by incorporation with TE Wind, became Agatos...

Agatòs Syntagma Group, Sponsor of It4Fashion in Florence

Agatòs Syntagma (Group) will be – as a Silver Sponsor – at the It4Fashion event which will take place from 20-21-22 April 2016 in Florence in the...


Corporate Warfare, 2022

Corporate Warfare is the theme of Agatòs Syntagma® 1855's #Pamphlet2022. This yearthe writer are: Alessandro Pescara, Mariella Palazzolo, Emanuele...

Notes on Information and Knowledge, the Pamphlet 2020-2021 edition by Agatòs Syntagma. Vol. 6.

How many types of tools and slogans and how many information that must support knowledge. It is rare to be in control. Do you remember Waterloo?...

Aphorisms on Strategy and Maneuver: Agatòs Syntagma’s Pamphlet of 2019. Vol. 5

The Strategy must take the maneuver into account. The maneuver must take into account the Strategy. This is already a good start: always and for the...

Pamhplet 2018, Vol. 4

“Aphorisms on command” is the title of Agatòs Syntagma's Pamphlet for 2018, which has now reached its fourth edition. The authors of this edition...

Pamphlet 2017, Vol. 3, The End of Rational Economy

The End of the Rational Market: risks and opportunities. It is the title of the new pamphlet (III edition 2017) by Agatòs Syntagma. The central...

Agatòs Syntagma: presented the new Pamphlet 2016 vol. 2

Agatòs Syntagma presents the new Corporate Security Review for 2016, "Knowing the Environments, Managing the Actions", edited by the Group's Plans...

Trust, Threats and Resilience – Corporate Governance in the Risk Society 2015 is the new pamphlet produced by Agatòs Syntagma

Agatòs Syntagma has launched a new cultural project that will follow a constant evolution characterized by conceptual metamorphosis, of 'knowledge'...


Agatòs Syntagma is Partner of the Master in Economic Intelligence of CeSIntES (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

25.03.2024 Also this year we are a partner company of the II Level #Master in #IntelligenceEconomica (Economic Intelligence) of Cesintes Tor Vergata...

Agatòs Syntagma, Assolombarda Servizi e Cineas

21.11.2023 We are part of the 2024 training project of Assolombarda Servizi (Assolombarda) with a course focused on Corporate Warfare. On the...

Agatòs Syntagma is Partner of the Master in Economic Intelligence of CeSIntES (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

14.03.2023 Also this year we are a partner company of the II Level #Master in #IntelligenceEconomica (Economic Intelligence) of Cesintes Tor Vergata...

On Cineas (PoliMi), our interview about “Corporate Warfare”

16/02/2023 What is "Corporate Warfare"? it can be defined as the set of licit, illicit, moral and immoral practices that companies implement to...

Digital and insurance, the anti-fraud asset – 2019 June 28th Milano Finanza

On Milano Finanza our contribution on insurance anti-fraud and how new technologies can not only predict and manage large amounts of claims, but...

Secret password for Generali Assicurazioni Spa councilors – 2012 February 24th Corriere della Sera

Generali Assicurazioni, the delicate task of securing the information of the Lion's Board of Directors (Generali Assicurazioni), providing "ad hoc"...

Agatòs Syntagma S.r.L.
Head Quarter: via Abruzzi 25, 00187 Roma, Italia
General Secretary: +39 06 4203611 | Fax: + 39 06 3207565