What is the color of the unknown? Black or white?
Many identify the unknown with the color black, associating it with a range of concepts and emotions from mystery to fear.
According to Vincenzo Notaro of Officina Mirabilis – visual editor behind the scenes of our Pamphlet since the beginning – the color of the unknown is instead white.
«An object that absorbs all light waves will appear black to us, while an object that absorbs all waves except the green one, reflecting it, will appear green to us.
[…] And yet, objects that reflect all light waves do not appear rainbow-colored, but white: the reflected waves are too many for our eyes and go outside our visual spectrum.
In the unknown, the same thing happens to us: there is so much that we cannot perceive anything. The unknown goes outside our spectrum of understanding, it is precluded to us, remaining hidden from us».

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