On June 13th and 14th we participated in the ASSOCONSULT Confidustria events as an Associate company.
On the afternoon of the 13th, the General Assembly of Members was held in the Pininfarina Room, an important moment for the growth of the association and the decision-making process for the development of initiatives.
On the evening of the 13th, a very interesting visit took place in the archaeological area “Stadium of Domitian” (Piazza Navona, Rome)” followed by the Association Dinner, with tables set up in the museum complex.

On the morning of the 14th, the General States of Management Consulting 2024 took place in the Pininfarina room.
During the works, the Sole24Ore Business School Master in management consulting curated by Assoconsult was also presented (of which Agatòs Syntagma® 1855 will be an integral part).
More information on this will be released in the coming weeks.
Present to direct the works (among many others) the President of Assoconsult Luigi Riva and the President of Confindustria Emanuele Orsini.
The works have shown the growth, the challenges and the prospects of the management consulting sector in Italy with in-depth analyses carried out by the Associates under the guidance of the observatory curated by Prof. Corrado Cerruti (Full Professor in Management of the University of Rome Tor Vergata).